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Blind Wiki

Blind Wiki



  • 应用分类:社交
  • 应用收费:免费
  • 人气热度:5466
  • 发布时间:2024-01-26 03:23:58
  • 应用语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 应用厂商:Antonio Abad Roses

Unveiling the Unseen

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为您推荐: 社交 导航 社交

Unveiling the Unseen

BlindWiki is a location-based audio network where citizens who are blind or partially sighted use smartphones to share their findings by posting sound recordings. The platform does not just contain information about difficulties and barriers but is also a repository for experiences, opinions and stories, generating a creative and collaborative cartography of the unseen.

BlindWiki app

The mobile app allows contributors to record site-specific audio and immediately post it to the BlindWiki platform. Participants can move through their city while posting and receiving geolocated audio descriptions, stories, obstacles or chronicles, previously contributed through the app.

Remote interaction

Participants travelling to other cities can benefit from the local maps and contribute their own recordings. Communication can be stablished in advance so visitors are able to engage the local community, facilitating the interaction between locals and guests.

Social awareness

BlindWiki offers an international platform where participants have the opportunity to share, analyse, discuss and compare the accessibility of their home towns, and to lobby for more or improved way-finding facilities. The project aims to raise social awareness about the urban landscape as perceived by people with vision impairment or loss.

Added the delete account section in settings.



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Blind Wiki
