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Waterfall Card Drinking Game

Waterfall Card Drinking Game



  • 游戏分类:休闲
  • 游戏收费:免费
  • 人气热度:3791
  • 发布时间:2024-03-06 15:18:40
  • 游戏语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:17+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 游戏厂商:Stryker Stinnette

Play the game my fri

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为您推荐: 休闲 休闲 卡牌 游戏

Play the game my friends love called Waterfall. It's a drinking game played with a deck of cards. This app includes everything you need to play: the rules and a deck of cards. (Well everything except your drink of choice.)

The rule for the current card is displayed on the same screen below the card. This helps with learning the game.

If you only need a deck of cards, turn off the rules in the app's settings.

*** Please Drink Responsibly. ***

More on the game Waterfall:

Everyone sits around a deck of cards. One player selects the top card on the deck and flips it over. The card decides what happens next.?

Card Drawn: 2 - That means the card picker gets to choose someone else to drink.

Card Drawn: 6 - All dudes drink.

Card Drawn: 9 - Go around the table 1 by 1 rhyming the word the card picker says. Card Picker: \"Light\




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Waterfall Card Drinking Game
